
Customer Testimonials
Through Gates of Fire by Steve Bonenberger will keep you waiting for the unexpected. Thought provoking and insightful. A must read for the reader that wants to be challenged. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know these characters.
Having worked with Steve Bonenberger teaching at risk adults, I’ve come to the conclusion that this good man is not only a man of God possessing an incredible fertile mind, but also a very compelling author. Not only are his characters rich in attributes and vulnerabilities we all sometimes encounter, but they also present everyday lessons for us all. Through Gates of Fire, all three volumes, are a must read!!
Steve Bonenberger is a rare gem. He has a shepherd’s heart and graciously supports those who seek him for creative guidance. I have never felt so accepted or encouraged to take a leap of faith in writing a book that has lived in my heart for ages and is now coming to fruition under Steve’s guidance.
Steve gives writers insight into his process: the structure, character development and “heart” of the story. While leading, each person under his tutelage is given the freedom to develop and express his or her own, unique strategies. His spiritual focus and guidance provides the special encouragement writers so desperately need to see their stories come to life!
One Child Pulled from the Jowls of Hell…
Thank you for everything!!!!! I will ping you if need be! Our prayers were answered in our favor… (child) is changed and serves the Lord now!
Then I read the books and I realized that when you are too focused working, reading spiritual related books became not a necessity anymore.
Your priorities changes
Time becomes too consumed with daily routines
So I’m trying to connect my life experiences with the book so that I can relate more with other readers..thank you.”
“ These sessions have been mind opening and extraordinary the way you talk about destructive tendencies and the effects of sobriety in such a way that makes it easy to understand and others the way you can talk about such tough topics and make them so welcoming is amazing.“
“Just finished AkelDeema Vol One: Kingdom Builders. You sir are a forerunner and a prophet.”