What’s Interesting…
What’s interesting is the progression and growth of your story.
What’s interesting is the ‘fall from grace’ and the manufacturing power of evil to disrupt and upend souls.
What’s interesting is the raw power of evil.
What’s interesting is the imaginative power of evil.
What’s interesting is the capacity evil contains to repackage and find new pathways for submission for its wasteland of products and services.
What’s interesting is the callousness of the righteous when someone falls from grace.
What’s interesting is the vacuum and deep-space-void of human kindness that surrounds and suffocates the spiritual life from the one who tumbles the furthest.
What’s interesting is the depths of despair that one discovers when friends and loved ones abandon and then jettison all human forms of contact, let alone compassion.
What’s interesting is the pathway towards healing and rediscovery.
What’s interesting is the premise that: “Life Can Be Recovered & Happiness Can Be Rediscovered.” (Although to wear a very different face and be adorned in drastically different raiment).
What’s interesting is the unwavering solace of God.
What’s interesting is the moment that God reunites with the now misshapen one.
What’s interesting is the sequence of events that bring a person from ‘Fallen’ to ‘Chosen’ once more.
What’s interesting is the majority of people, strike that, all people move through this labyrinth of life.