The Wonder of the Apprentice:
Today, we move into the “Wonder of the Apprentice” and the need for the Master, the Pedagogue, The Drill Sergeant, The Autocrat, The Loving God, The Rogue Itinerant, The Blessed Angelic Appearances, The Words Written In Stone & Long Forgotten, The Messages in Bottles, The Dark Night of the Soul Phenomenon, The Holy Sadhu that wanders the world for millennia and makes his presence known…
How are you going to teach your Hero lessons?
How are you going to impart and then compact and then inculcate SUPER POWER into the life and the soul of your Super Power? The answer is: You are the author. You are the creator. You are the world maker.
You are the determinant.
TGOF: Vol One: Tommy. The alt-father. The one that shakes the contents of his own mismanaged life and reconstructs himself to become:
· Loving Father
· Sober citizen
· Constant companion
· Adroit and astute observer
· Intentional protector
· Careful selector of each specific teacher and adjunct
· Warming emotional and spiritual oven for the baked good of Flash’s life that he will not permit any other person to Shepherd and March into Adolescence and then Adulthood
The Writer’s Covenant:
We cover this topic of Sensei in deep detail. Our target for TWC launch is 09.01.2019. Look for it. It will become a universal Guide and Guidant force and Sensei for millions of writers and creatives. Till that day, ping us.
Let’s chat about you and your work.
Travel Far.
Pastor Steve Bonenberger,
Shepherd to Creatives Everywhere