As we stare down and look into the Easter event, God calls me to speak to pastors and preachers and lay-leaders and those whose lives are dedicated to Christian service. A few items:
· Pastor: I pastored churches for many years. I know the struggle that you push into. I know what this season means to you and for your congregation
· Heart for Ministry: my heart and my passion remain focused upon NT congregations and their leadership
· Communities Shift: we know that you stare down a shift in community that is feeling like tidal wave upon tidal wave of change and disruption
· More Coming: your sense of looking for a floor and a secure footing is probably not going to change anytime soon. Lots of disruptions coming to American cities
· Immigration and changing demographics: your city and your community are undergoing massive upheavals. And the next 10 years are going to see changes that you have never thought possible
· Your personal well-being: our time together is for the purpose of offering you self-care and the capacity to work and talk through and find solutions
· Reinvent yourself and re-imagine what ministry can look like: I offer you time to think about what ministry can look like and what you can begin to do to move towards your future
· Service Based Model: my sense is that ministry going forward is going to be a service based model. We will talk into this in small and large ways in days to come
For now, if you wish to find a friend. If you need a listening, non-biased and non-jaundiced ear, if you seek wisdom and a way to imagine the future without fear of exposure or being compromised, then ping me.
My heart and mind and intellect and entire acumen of gained lore is here to serve.
Should you decide it valuable to speak with me. If not, no worries and simply enjoy the learning and allow each piece to pierce the veil of shallow-fears that the evil one is pouring into minister’s lives and minds these days.
Travel Far.
Steve Bonenberger