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Writers and Creatives Only: #6 – Genius Confab! – Bonenberger & Co.

Writers and Creatives Only: #6

Writers and Creatives Only: #6

Writing and Creativity as: “Juice!”

Gratitude that now morphs into Service:

The inner juice.

The tenacity borne of ‘Gratitude’.

Now morphs and matures into, pure and un-defiled: Service.

This interior pall.

This uneasy disturbance.

This troubling vexation.

These exited my soul.


Through and because of the traumas and the beat-downs and the melt-downs that you have both endured and now passed through.

These encounters.

These very dislocations made you strong.

And…they made you determined.

Determined to care for those who stumble and those who fall.

Write. Take up pen and paper. Click-clack on your keyboard.

Paint or Scratch or Photograph.

Get busy.

We are here to help.

Cherish This Day!

Steve Bonenberger